Thursday, April 22, 2010

Minneapolis seepage

I started this blog to just chronicle some of the foodie and scenester stuff from my 12 days in Minneapolis.
Looking back, it's been about 6 months since we came back and adapted to the new job. Seriously, it's been a rough 6 months, but I guess everything in life is hard, right?

Anyway, I'm not sure why I started here on blogspot again, but figured everyone else has blogspot, so I might as well join in.

We're having a rainy day, which means I had to go rescue some potted plants and check on the garden. Our plants can't handle 4 hours of rain. Tomatoes, Azealas and annual flowers are growing as planned. Even our fescue is coming in, which is a welcome relief. Growing the garden is a bit more permanent for me. It's sort of amazing to realize we've lived here for 3 years and are just now starting to grow stuff. But when we recap, it was basically impossible to do ANYTHING last summer other than just survive and the first summer was spent just moving in and trying to get basic stuff replaced, like...the heat pump that was stolen.

So, now that I'm here, I'm taking stock of KC. For better or worse, we are here. Dan is going to finish his MS at KU and I'm going to start my MBA at UMKC, god willing. If I get rejected, it will be so humiliating. Please, don't laugh at me if this happens! Seems like the last few people I added as friends on Facebook are in MInneapolis, and my aunt just said that she would visit me so much more if we lived up there, since that's where her sister in law live. In some ways, we might like MN more just because we have some nice friends there and the culture seems to be a bit more liberal.

In the end though, we're growing a garden, and of all of the things that makes me feel like I'm nesting a bit more down here, that's a big one. After I moved here, my friend asked me how I could still be in denial about living in KC even after we bought a house. I didn't have an answer, but I know it was true for awhile. Everything happened so quickly and it seemed like none of it was my choice. Now though, I am relieved to be out of Iowa. I dread going back. I dread spending my birthday there and I am pretty sure that just last summer I missed Iowa so profusely that the thought of coming back to KC was hideous. How things change....
Maybe I dread Iowa so much because I'm afraid of the nostalgia, the creepy roots that bind me back to family, houses and ghosts of those I used to know and love. Maybe I'm not afraid to face them all because losing people last year was too much and I just want a break.

Or maybe I really am happy down here, and I guess only time will tell!