Tuesday, November 26, 2013


OH yes, there's a perfect princess in my life. I didn't think I'd ever call her a princess, I thought stuff like that was dumb. But slowly and gradually, it built on us until we were calling her a Princess all the time. Around 4 months of age, I bought a baby carrier for her and we took some walks with her sleeping in the carrier. It was always nice to hold your own snuggling and sleeping baby girl. We took a walk nearly every night this summer, and most of the time the baby would sleep in the stroller, nurse on me a little at home, and then sleep. Lately she has been sleeping after work by just crashing in the carseat as soon as Dan gets her from daycare and then staying asleep until the next morning. We will wake her to give her a bottle, of course, and then let her sleep for the rest of the night. At first, I really, really hated that routine because I wanted to spend time with my little baby and play with her. I didn't want to have her best hours be at daycare and then to only get to hold her at night while she slept. To make up for it, I held her sleeping body a lot longer than normal. After a few weeks, I started to get used to it, though, the free-time and freedom I had to actually eat an uninterrupted meal. :) And now for the last two days, she's changed her baby routine and does not want to sleep. Even though she is very, very tired. Instead, she crawls for me into my lap, and we read stories together. Just in the last few weeks, she's started to understand storytime and doesn't try to eat the book. Her attention span isn't very long, but she does like to read and listen to me talk. She also likes pingpong balls. Around 9/28, she really started getting on all fours and wiggling back and forth to crawl, and then about 10 days later, she started crawling like crazy, and at the same time, she decided she could pull up on things and stand. So she's been doing all of those things, but no independent walking yet. Which is ok. I know this is a disjointed blogpost, I just want to write a little about the things she can do/does do. She smiles the second Dan or I come into her room. She holds her arms out to be held and picked up. She loves me the most and it's adorable and wonderful.