Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Birth Story--part 1

How is babby born?  (internet meme)

The day was 2/7, a Thursday. I was at work, near the end of the day and....I was dizzy.  I thought maybe I just needed to eat something, so I did. On the brief walk to the microwave,  the world spun  & back at my desk, my vision blurred, too.

uh oh. Normally, I'd do nothing; suck it up and go home. Yet at 40 weeks + 1 day, just ignoring it was a bad idea.

"Hi, I am over 40 weeks pregnant and just had some symptoms..." I said to the nurse-line at the hospital.
They asked if I could have my blood pressure taken at work. I said yes, and went to the nurse in my office. Taken twice, my distolic was still in the 90s, we called the hospital and they said to come on over.  (My dystolic bp is usually in the 70s.)

My company placed me in a taxi and refused to allow me to pay for the short cab ride to
the hospital. (5 blocks). When I plodded into the 4th floor of the  hospital, we connected to some monitors and they said I would probably go home after a few hours. I called Dan anyway and told him what was happening. He left work a little early and came over. Meanwhile,  I enjoyed the marvel of watching the Big10 network and CSPAN on cable and the hospital provided dinner for me.

"Dinner? I feel guilty eating dinner here if I am going home," I thought to myself.

You know the end to the story already--I did not get to go home. My blood pressure kept going up and since I was already passed the due date, they decided it was time to induce me. I walked down the hall to the midwife unit while Dan raced home to grab the official baby bag + other stuff we might need.

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