Sunday, February 3, 2013

Swiss Cake Rolls

So the Obama Administration wants to fix the a la carte options in the lunch room. No more fatty foods, blah blah.

I agree with this, but I'm totally having flashbacks to 8th & 9th grade, where my entire lunch was one swiss cake roll package and maybe a granola bar. Swiss cake rolls were $.30. That's 30 CENTS. Granola bars were .$70. I ATE LUNCH FOR $1.00. It must have been subsidized or something. T'was awesome & extremely unhealthy. Of course, I was so skinny it didn't matter.

Anyway, from now on, I have to be really careful about what I eat. No more guilty indulgence ice cream. No more Sprite, either.  I've been good the last few weeks, mostly, with more salads and lots of broccoli.  This is what I'll be eating for the next year or two, until I can get skinny again. The baby is still in the 6-7 lbs range.

Yes, the baby is still inside of me. She has 3 days until she hits 40 weeks. Of course, from May 2nd-May 16th, she wasn't really created yet, so we'll say she's been in there for 38 of a normal 40 week pregnancy. I am the last hold-out of our friends, who have all seemed to have their babies early through bad luck, random chance, and doctor-intervention.

Every day, I think about calling the work in early. I'm ready to stay home, sit on my ass and sew her baby blanket until she arrives. But I shouldn't skip out of work now. I should go until I have contractions at my desk and my water breaks at work in the elevator, because that means more time spent with the baby later.  Plus if I really do go to 41 weeks, that would mean only 11 weeks with the baby and one week spent at home, sewing her blanket.

But (and this is more of me whining) who wants to get dressed daily? Tying my shoes takes 30 minutes. Getting in the car is impossible.  I really shouldn't complain, though.

An AMerican civilian was captured in Afghanistan in October, while she was 5 months pregnant. She was due in January, and since it's February now, her baby has either been born---or it hasn't.
It's terrible to imagine being pregnant in the mountains of Afghanistan while captured by the Taliban.  I can't imagine giving birth in those conditions, either.  So I will suck it up.

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