Friday, July 23, 2010


The point of this blog was the 12 days we spent in MN going through a massive and stressful company conversion back in October after thinking we were going to be laid off for 2 years.

This time, I get to go back to MN and I'm psyched. No roommate this time, thank goodness, but I'm only staying in the hotel for one night, and staying with Georgia for the rest of the time. They live in a distant suburb, which will take me 20 minutes by bicycle and then 1 hour by bus to get to her house from the city. But it is preferred, I think, to not coming up to MN at all.

While I'm completely exhausted with the last few weeks, being overwhelmed by a family visit, a funeral, a bachelorette party, a wedding and then a 60 hour work week (just at my primary job), and helping slightly with the Pilgrim Chapel film festival, I am also looking forward to this trip to Minneapolis.

How does one decide where they want to live? Is Minneapolis the place for me? Certainly, I feel connected to it having visited so much as a child and having family there. I feel more at home up North, even though I hate winter, I can see myself skiing every day. And I can definitely see myself getting promoted, right???

So, Saturday night, I have a hotel room since Georgia was staying at the lake until Sunday. I was trying to imagine what I'd do on Saturday, and the answer has become mostly clear: Sit in the hottub. Swim. Run downtown, check out the rent a bike thing. paint my toenails. read some really, really good books. Watch all the cable TV I can imagine. Order some roomservice.
ANd then, sleep. Endless, uninterrupted, soft-pillow sleep.

I really don't care how boring that sounds. It sounds hella lonely without Dan, but Damn, it's what I need.

Have just finished reading "A Secret History." Lukewarm on it. I don't believe in greek tragedies anymore, perhaps because I'm too honest. Couldn't these characters have just come forward and asked each other an honest question?
A thousand acres was just so much better-Shakespearian tragedies, ftw!

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