Sunday, December 4, 2011

My mouse is a spaz

I've dropped my laptop so many times that this last one has irrevocably sent my mouse into automove. I know that's not a word. It's like my computer is possessed. Luckily, it can be repaired, but still--quite annoying. 

Today I shoveled my first snow in MInnesota. We have the world's smallest driveway, specially chosen because shoveling snow sucks. Today I walked to a movie and finally went to the indie cinema here. It was lovely & Dan and I celebrated it with Indian food. "As spicy as you can make it." It was spicy, but didn't come near enough to killing me as I thought it would.

So we came home and I finally put the office together after 3 months of being in the house. Dan put our DVD rack together. I put away tons of blankets and papers and random junk from the past. Soon we'll start demolishing the indoor planter system the prior prior owners built and build our own wet bar.

Bartles had his trivia party, with a good turn-out. My category was world leaders, so I'll leave with the world leader trivia question:

Well, I would leave you with them, but my mouse won't let me copy/paste.
The answers are:
Boutros Boutros Gahli
Nicolae Carpathia

Now you guess the question!

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