Sunday, June 20, 2010

Perfect Saturday, indeed

Well, all of what I said about not getting a dessert didn't happen. Oops! I drank 2 glasses of wine, had bread, ate 1/5 of my entree and returned the rest to Dan. I think I ordered the thai chicken or something. Peanut sauce does it for me every time.

Yesterday was an awesome day. We started with trash: I babysat the leaf/brush dumpster with Gene while poor Dan unloaded a bunch of bulky item trashy things from our basement. Goodbye, old storm windows, futon mattress, old wrapping paper, paper bags full of paper bags, and miscellaneous crap we're not planning on using...EVER.

That ended, it thunderstormed, so instead of watching a World Cup game at the Power and Light, we went to a Tivoli movie with Catherine Keener called "Just Give." Talked about Toy Story 3, but that was a bit too light for us and talked about "Winter's Bone", but that was a bit too dark. This movie was great, but there's a pretty sad scene about a grandmother that dies which is a bit hard to handle given all of the death lately. As we were leaving, we ran into some neighbors who did see "Winter's Bone." I guess it's quite suspenseful, very good, but it makes you never want to visit rural MO. ;)

Left the theatre, went to GLACE ice cream. YUUUMMMM. You can sample 3 of their funky flavors, so I had peanut butter & jelly, venezuelan chocolate and Caramel de Sol. And there's still 1/2 of it in the freezer, waiting for me.

Then we went home, walked over to Holmes street for Party with a Purpose. It's an AIDS fundraiser and it was the first time I'd been. 3 houses had their first floors open. They're all great houses and one is on the tour this fall for all 3 floors. I mean, stunning houses, with built in wine refigerators, circular stair cases, A-MAZE-ING glasswork. The house with the best glass pretty much knocked me out while I was standing at the front door. The house is for sale. My guess was 390K, but it's listed at 437K. Oops. Anyway, the party was cool. Lots of good neighbors, some political whos-who, and some wine. It's so hot outside, I really can't imagine eating or drinking at all, but it worked.

Bess and Jim called us at the same time we called them, so we went to the dog park. It was Skye's first trip and she did quite well. Then we had MORE food back at B&J's house. I definitely over think some things sometimes, but I'm hoping it turns out OK in the end.

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