Friday, October 15, 2010


Our friend, Mike, made me aware of this film's existence several years ago. Then the reprint was discovered and restored. By virtue of good fortune, it's been held over at the Tivoli tonight, so I now have plans to see it. Should be a great way to spend my Friday night alone. At first, I thought it would be a bit boring, but one of those things you should watch for a wholly cultural experience.

I am quite sure it will prove me wrong.

On a side note, there might be another copy in Chile that also holds much of their original print. People with the foresight to predict demise deliberately mislabeled the copy in Chile during the revolution. Makes you think about the value of revolution when the uprising must bring about damage to the global art. Makes you wonder what other weird treasures are hiding in basements, in boxes, in places that no one plans to open.

Oh, Salvador Allende, was it cowardly for you to kill yourself before the mob got to you?

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