Thursday, May 3, 2012

30 NOW

I am now 30 years old and 1 day.

And I went to work on my birthday, like a grown-up. Because there's really no point in staying home when all of your friends are at work, right? Plus I could never have skipped my Wednesday AM personal training sessions at the gym, starting at 6:15 AM.

Dan and I got up early so I could get to the gym (express bus doesn't run until 7) and he gave me my present: A purple hot wheels car.

Except that it really means that my new present is going to be a new car.

I'm torn on this! I really, really, really miss having a second car, but I know it would be a huge waste because I'd drive to work when I shouldn't and spend almost as much on the car payment to park downtown.

However, it would mean no more #18 bus in the winter, with my gym bag, when I'm sweaty. And I'd have so much more freedom every other day.

I shall hold my thoughts on the car until we see if Dan gets a new job--and if that new job is downtown.
Hope I'll know something soon, fingers crossed.

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