Sunday, May 6, 2012

Back to the real world

Yes, yes, back to reality now. The party is over. The house is 90% clean after the party. I gained 4 lbs because I didn't skip alcohol or desserts this week.  But before Dan and I start back up with life the way it used to be, I will pause and remember the last week. Before you find me too self-indulgent (which I admit to being), just remember that you only turn 30 once. 

On MOnday, life was normal. I went to the gym and came home after work instead of staying @ work late.

On Tuesday, we went to Trivia against the Bill Paxtons. Our team won! I am of little help in the categories of obscure movies from the early 1990s, which seemed to be a theme this week, but it was still a good time. I had my pre-birthday dessert and got a free beer. We even won without Bartles, our genius trivia teammate.

WEDNESDAY WAS MY BIRTHDAY! My coworker gave me a 30 Mug and 5 different people wanted to have lunch together. I felt special all day long, just like I did when I was 10 years old. And Dan was the sweetest man in the world, who drove me to the 6 AM session and then picked me up for sushi groupon. After a full table of trivia friends, we were happy to be alone together on a nice date. The waitress (is it still OK to call people waitresses instead of servers?) said we were the only couple to eat all the food. I said that made us sound fat and she said it meant we were adventurous with the sashimi.

Thursday: Had my teeth cleaned and had some sad news about tooth #8--root canal-ed after my bike accident in 05/06, it needs a replacement filling because all fillings only last about 5-7 years.  Nothing I did wrong, but every time we go in there, it creates less and less tooth structure and eventually will have to be crowned--and after a few crowns, I might lose the tooth entirely. This was sad but necessary news. Gum and tissue wise, my teeth are fine with no cavities. This was my last day of the work week. I popped my birthday balloons, thanked my friends and started to clean the house for the party.

FRIDAY! I took Friday off for some carpet installation, which didn't quite pan out because I was back at the dentist having the tooth drilled when the installer wanted to come. I wasn't going to drive back from Burnsville twice, so I just went to MOA while I waited for Dan to finish work at noon. Bought two new work-out shirts, a jogging hat and some chacos. Bought Dan some tshirts, one of which says RUNNING SUCKS, which I think he might laugh about. :)
Dan and I decided to try out the sandals for our 5 mile walk around Calhoun.

BIG MISTAKE! Sandals caused immediate blisters and I couldn't finish the 5 miles. By mile 2, I'd taken off the shoes, by mile 3 had placed them back on, stopped to rest on mile 4 and by mile 4.5, Dan walked home and picked me up with the car. They seriously hurt that badly. Chacos are going back to the store. I am giving up on all sandals outside of the Columbia kind that I love. I am NEVER deviating from the shoes I love again, my feet (and yours) don't deserve that!

SATURDAY WAS THE PARTY. Dan and I seriously worked from 8 AM--7 PM getting things ready, with a 3 PM lunch break with Holly, who graciously drove up for the weekend. It was great to see her and she's always so spunky. Neither a wallflower or a doormat, which is good for me to experience, since I can be both. We partied like it was 1999. Fireworks, an obstacle course, TONS of liquor, candles, a pinata, people with kids, people without them and lots of drunken reunion times. It was great--and we are so greatful/lucky/blessed to be friends with everyone up here. Viva Minneapolis life.
I couldn't have really asked for a better night. Also, I am in love with little Aurora. :)

Also, friends, have some parties, so I can bring all of this booze back to YOUR parties.

Wasn't hungover at all, in the end, which is amazing--I guess I spaced it out enough or got lucky.

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