Saturday, December 18, 2010

Boots with the fur, with the fur

Holy hell. Minnesota girls dress up. A lot. I used to do that in college, but in the last 3 years in KC, I've grown out of it. We'll toss on our jeans and walking street shoes, meander over to Westport and have a drink or two without thinking twice. Yes, the primpy girls would walk by in their semi-skanky outfits, but it was always clear they were out of place. My lecturer in college said it right: Kansas is Cowboy. While we really didn't go out that much in Kansas, in Missouri, you can still wear 'jorks" and not be too out of place. After all, the FFA still havs their annual convention there each year.

So for 2 Friday nights, we've gone out to a bar, sat down, and I've looked down and realized that 1) my purse is sooooo 5 years ago and 2) Nobody wears pink adidas shoes to the bar here. Ok, I can deal with that, right? Wrong. I have forgotten how to walk in heels. I've forgotten how to walk in heels in the snow. I've forgotten how to deal with the cold for 5 minutes by leaving my coat in the car.

Growing up or in college, I could do these things back in Iowa without any problem. Hell, we used to walk a mile to the bars in heels. Here, now, at my old age? No way! I'm so country, it hurts.

So yes, this is what getting old feels like. I'm sure by next winter, I'll be back in action. New shoes, new outfits, new low balance in the checking account after my shopping sprees.

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