Sunday, December 5, 2010

Famous Last Words!

I remember after living in the house for a few years that I said I couldn't go back to an apartment. And I definitely couldn't go back to house-share, where one person rents a room in a house and doesn't have a place to put their own furniture. I think I coudn't go back to house-share, unless I had a place for some of my own furniture pieces. However, I've found apartment living really isn't so bad.

In some ways, it's more peaceful, to have the kitchen and TV room on the same level. I still have to go down the stairs early in the morning to let the dogs outside, but I had to do that in our house, too. I still have a garage for storing my stuff, I can't hear my neighbors, and I like having less space to clean. This is working out ok so far. Relief.

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