Saturday, March 26, 2011

And yet still there are some misfits who persist in believing that there's no such thing as progress

Just read a comment from an old message board that I posted on, though it was full of trolls and I gave up posting there. But the King Troll just made a comment that I couldn't resist mocking here, because that's mature and all. :P

The guy just said he couldn't believe that funerals cost $10K and had no idea that they could cost that much. He and I are the same age and I've known how expensive funerals are since I was 23--and probably earlier, since I knew how much my grandparent's cost when they pre-paid them. I guess I think everyone should know how expensive funerals are at this point in their lives, unless they live under a rock. Now I'm questioning why I even let myself get offended when this guy trolled me online.
The moral of this story is that internet message boards are stupid.

The second thing is that I listened to Marketplace Money today, where they interviewed two people in each decade of their lives, 20s-70s.  The 50 year old lady had a huge problem: paying for her long-term care insurance for her mother. I know this is going to be a huge problem for Dan and I, even if our parents have their own long-term care insurance or their own retirements. I'm already worried about it, since there are only 2-3 carriers now that will even underwrite these polices.
I keep wondering if I'm the only person worried about it and I was relieved, because listening to this show told me that 1) I'm not the only person worrying about long-term care for my ever-aging parents and 2) people that don't plan ahead for this kind of thing get royally screwed over when it happens to them.

So I'm not going to be that guy this time. Wheeee.
Also, you can't retire for very long on 760K, which is how much the couple in their 60s had saved. While they said it's a good number to have, it's probably not enough.  I need to do some more projections to get us to a few million in 40 years, which means that I have to start controlling my expenses NOW.

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