Sunday, March 13, 2011

Swap Party

Last night we had a swap party. You bring your stuff that you don't want to wear and so do they and then everyone swaps it out for something better and useable. Extend it to jewelery, CDs, kitchenware and home stuff, you're in good hands. Of course, the more girls you bring, the better. It worked out really well for me. My nice clothes that I'm too fat for went to girls that loved them and a girl that had just lost a lot of weight gave me lots of her nice "heavy" clothes. I got to take home some new shoes, several new necklaces, a new bowl, tons of shirts and one cute dress. Most of the other girls there are thrift-store lovers, so we compared the joys of finding Banana Republic jeans at Goodwill for 3 dollars and compared the best thrift stores in St Paul/MN. Sadly, I cannot participate in that conversation because I've never been thrifting in the Twin Cities.

Everyone was else was from Iowa, save for one girl, so naturally Iowa dominated a bunch of our conversations. But we also got to hear a bunch of stories about crazy people from the past, which is one of my favorite topics. Your friend that ends up sneaking into the wrong cousin's house at 4 am? The time you got lost in a state park for 4 hours? How you met your husband? Crazy woman that wants you to wear a bunch of glasses? These are my favorite conversations.  By the time I went home again on Saturday, I was completely joyful.  Again, I love our friends here and feel so lucky that we found them right away.

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