Monday, August 15, 2011

All moved in~

Here we are, all moved in to our house. First guests came over last night to see it and thus it all feels real. This weekend, we're having our first overnight guests in the house. I hope everyone likes it.  Surprisingly, we've also managed to unpack quite a bit of stuff, nearly 90%. The remaining 10%, if these things can be
judged empirically, is related to the desk and filing cabinet, and the desk is back in our old apartment.  So everything office-related will just have to wait for awhile to do unpack, because I sure don't feel like going back to the apartment!

We did have a moment of nostalgia for the apartment, though. Neither of us are sure why. We didn't especially like it, but perhaps it was just a moment of relative peace for us. Little stress, mostly relaxation, and really beautiful wooded areas around it may have caused us to like apartment living, just not the complex itself. I know I floating in a peaceful bubble and swimming laps underneath the stars, watching late night thunderstorms roll in before it gets too dangerous to swim.

I'll get the swimming back soon, though! The pool in Manila is really nice, according to the 3 whom have already arrived.  I'm trying to not think about it too much. I don't want to leave the house yet and I am scared!I am scared of packing, to be truthful. What do you bring for a 10 week trip?

Our realtor is Filipino and has made some plastic surgery recommendations for me. I knew she would know someone who works in the medical industry and I feel much more confident having procedures done with someone I know vs a random stranger. So we'll see! Would be great to have the operation done on Labor Day weekend, even if it does mean forgoing a trip to Taipei. Time will tell!

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