Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Insurance again

I really like talking about insurance. And taxes.  Yes, I'm terribly boring. Had an insurance scare today with the house, because there's an old knob and tube wire in the attic. Yeah, I'm not a dumb ass. I know to worry about knob and tube. But it wasn't pointed out to me in the 20 page inspection junk report that I saw and now I'm ANGRY CAT. After I vented to my Realtor, I felt like crying. We worked so hard to move the close forward and now we might not be able to close on Friday. *sigh*

Did I mention that I haven't packed yet for Manila and I really can't do that until I UNPACK the house?
No, I'm not worried at all. (sarcasm)

Dan and I are avoiding the scary topics by watching 3 Sheets Manila version and No Reservations, Manila version.

Also, I'm finding it a funny that our perfect island vacation may come true and Dan has zero desire to spend it on a sun drenched island. Oh well. Islands might be boring after all.

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