Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I don't want to say that all Filipinos know each other

But sometimes it seems like they do. Strange but true world when every ex-pat hangs out together stateside and has 4000 filipino friends back home. yayaya.

Said goodbye to a former boss today. I had to leave Happy Hour early to come back to meet some friends for dinner. It's sad, my former boss is moving back to KC, but it's the best deal for him overall. He's not happy in Minneapolis, hates winter, and still has his house in KC. He's moving back to KC to work for an old HRBlock boss, which should make for a good fit. While saying goodbye, I think we both realized that we *probably* won't see each other again. I'm not going to actively seek him out when I go back to KC (right?) and he's not ever going to come up to Minneapolis for a visit.  And thus we close a door on a 3 year friendship.

It's been raining all night here and I haven't been able to walk the dog, but I think I'm taking him now.

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