There's really nothing going on in my life to warrant an entire blog post. I can tell you about how I puked up my chicken nuggets after an Ultimate Game Tuesday. I can tell you about how I was hit accidently by my own teammate on the field. That was weird, one second I was running and the next I was blindsided by the dude running into me at full force. It was probably my fault because I suck at playing but having the wind knocked out of me was weird.
I went through the debate in about 1 minute on the field. "I'm fine. But I'm pregnant." "I'm fine, but the wind was knocked out of me. I can pick up, but is the baby ok? How will I know if the baby is ok? Did the baby miss a breath of oxygen? Is it ok? " "I can keep playing. But I shouldn't? Should I? I am ok, but I'm pregnant." Eventually I left the field. I say eventually, but these things were clammering through my brain at a mile a minute.
I didnt want my teammates to think I was a wuss. But I didn't want to hurt the baby.
I might just give up Ultimate for now. I love running and playing but I suck at catching the disc and it might be better to let a really experienced person play.
Went to Happy Hour tonight. I LOVE MY COWORKERS. Seriously love them all. Nice people. Wonderful.
Ok, back to whatever you were doing.
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