Thursday, September 27, 2012

Breakfast and Working out (1 year ago)

I should clarify a few things:
Breakfast was fun with everyone, just one of the few times we were all together and united, even though there was a lot of one-upping that seemed ridiculous.

I got swept into the desire to prove myself in corporate America and show the one-uppers that I was just was awesome as they were. I think people who resort to talking about  their HS activities and how rich their parents are to make themselves feel good must be deeply insecure in some ways.
Typical comment from my coworker to me, " Don't you love how my shoes are more comfortable than yours since they cost so much more?" (she was wearing designer shoes and I was wearing a crappy $8 pair from the flea market we visited)
To my discredit, I am too polite and merely smiled politely and gave a pat response.

But who says stuff like that?

The bad thing about being in the Philippines was just that there were only 4 of us and it was hard to escape the bad things about our coworkers. Also, I didn't have a cellphone while there, so I could only Skype with Dan--and that's it. I could IM with my family and if they had Skype, I could say hi, but that was all, no venting of emotions or frustrations. That part was probably the hardest.

Our class of trainees was full of great personalities and people trying hard, but with all of the sicknesses, it was hard to stay on track. And I was told that everyone would be overachieving, that they would stay late and come early and over-study and treat it like an extreme competition, but this was not the case at all. People would doze in class and more people quit. Two of us were assigned to each class, and it wasn't really a good use of time to have us train a small batch of people. Also, it became really clear really fast that the training materials DID NOT MATCH the phone call content.

Anyway, talking about work sucks.

Let's talk about the hotel.

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