Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Work Party

Dan's changing jobs and we just went to the new office party, even though he hasn't started working there yet. I think he'll be a lot happier to be involved with a younger, nerdier crowd.

Last night, I went to the show METRIC, for which I 'won' a ticket on Craigslist. The show was sold out and I tried every live-person sale of the ticket until this one materialized. The ticket was given to the person who was the most deserving and evidently pregnant women is one of the most deserving reasons to give away the ticket.

I LOVED METRIC. I loved all of their songs, all of their energy, the lead singer has really grown into her true stage performer. Was at a show in 2010 when Metric played and you'd hardly believe they're the same band.

It was weird to go to a concert with a random dude and have to talk to them but he was nice enough and talked about having his two young kids. He actually didnt like the baby phases at all and is happy his children are older, but hey, at least he's honest.

I do think some things about having a toddler will be boring, like playing the same game ad nauseum but I know once the child is older, we'll have a lot of fun. I'm not saying I can't or won't be capable of playing such games, but I just acknowledge now that it might bore the hell out of me. Short attention span & all.

But holding and rocking and cuddling our infant baby girl will not bore the hell out of me. In a few more weeks, we'll be at the viability point if something happens--and in ONE MORE WEEK, I will be at the halfway point.

I've gained about 7 lbs so far. It's too much--I need to stop with the sweets and keep working out.

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