Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Boracay 2

Good lord. My last entry is incoherent. I should edit and proofread and try to form a narrative that isn't just a list of the things I can remember. But if I wait too long, I won't remember anything. Lord knows, I've waited long enough.

 So anyway, after staying awake until 1130 or something, I fell asleep. My room had a full sized bed that was rock hard and a single bed that was pretty soft. I can't remember which one I chose, but I know I was still scared that someone was going to break into the single American's room and rape me. I slept fitfully and woke up in the morning.

Man, I was crazy to be worried. Everything is different in daylight. I figured it was time to find M and her husband, we had been in touch on facebook, and met at the good buffet down by their hotel. The sun revealed a normal beach community. Nothing was hidden or nefarious. People were nice and I realized that everyone was pretty nice and like the rest of Philippines, there's wasn't a reason to be scared. I wasn't on Mindanao, the island where people get kidnapped relatively often. No one was going to break into my room. No one was going to rape me. We had a great breakfast at a flowing fountainy restaruant and stared into the sun at the beach.

We bought straw hats and $5 sunglasses and I went into the ocean like no one's business. It was pretty much the first thing I did in the morning. The water is so clear, even when you're up to your neck, you can see the bottom of the water. The white beach sparkles so much in the sun it hurts your eyes. We went parasailing--my first time--and M and her husband took an afternoon nap while I went back into the ocean and took a ton of photos of the sunset. I had about 40 offers to go on a sailing trip into the sunset for $25. To this day, I'm not sure why I didn't get on the little boats and cruise around in the sun. I guess I liked the view from the beach too much. It was seriously the best trip I've taken alone. I really, really wanted to play and snuggle and splash in the water with Dan, but I knew he was coming later and we'd do the same thing, just on a different beach.

At night, I got a henna tattoo and bought a bunch of pearl necklaces. I thought I was buying REAL pearls. I was very wrong. But it was only $1.00/necklace. There was a lot of panhandling on the beach, people who wanted me to buy everything, necklaces, pearls, henna, braids, a parasailing/underwater diving trip.

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