Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Physical Therapy

I talked to my health-insurance provided "ask-a-nurse" line about my walking pains. She said there is no normal distance of walking for pregnancy and suggested swimming. For some stupid reason, I want to keep telling the nurses that I don't like swimming.

But that's not true.
I love swimming. I need to go swimming more if I want to practice for this summer's triathalon.
I don't have an accessible pool, though, but I do have a friend who already swims and I know she'd love it if I joined her.

So yeah. Dear Nurses,
I will not fight you anymore. I will go swimming for working out instead of complaining like a big, fat whiner.

I will also go to physical therapy and will see what it can do for me.


Huge relief not traveling for Christmas this year. Will still miss the fam. Will not miss driving over crappy roads, through massive blizzards, spending a fortune on gas, meals, hotels & dog boarding.


I didn't get the job I interviewed for--which is 50% surprising. Surprising because of the good vibes we shared during the interview. Not surprising because I'm pregnant & would be out for the busiest season of the year, in the busiest and most affected tax department of the year. So yeah, based on their business needs, it makes sense to hire the other dude, who has a lot of experience with being a boss of other departments at other financial firms.

The rejection interview they gave me--where they tell you face-to-face that you didn't get the job--went so well that I almost though that they *wished* they'd hired me. But that also could just be the class and corporate schmaltz they put on everything when a person is rejected. :)
Regardless, they did a good job with the schmaltz and I was candidate choice #2, but they had to go with candidate #1 because he had more management experience--and it's management job.

If I am allowed to be vapid on my very own blog, we'll just say that we know candidate #1 didn't get the job based on his looks. (He looks really, really dorky). Was that a nice thing to say?
Bad blogger.

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