Saturday, December 1, 2012

I swallowed a basketball!

Help! I swallowed a basketball! Or a head of cabbage.

And now I have a job interview on Tuesday where I have to wear a business suit/comparable outfit. Too bad none of my maternity clothes are up to the job interview challenge so far.

I'm just applying for a few different jobs internally at work. I'm a little scared. On one hand, I want the new job. It will be a better challenge and good opportunity. On the other hand, it is a pretty stressful job. Do I really want that while raising my baby?

Do I really want to be bored at work for another year or two?

I took this new job because it was boring and because I wanted to focus on other areas of my life. (like marathon training and volunteering and ....getting pregnant) Those things have all happened and been splendid so far, I am sure I can always keep up the working out part in the future. It's been weird to be completely stress free. I confess to being bored.

I guess I won't worry  until I am actually offered this job. I know it's impossible to be a super mom and have a wonderful career and be a wonderful mother all at the same time.   I also think this career step would just be for a few years and then I can move on to another job.  The extra salary would also be a little nicer. After all, we've got to fund Esme's college account from day 1 or else there won't be any money there for her future.

But the thought of coming home at 6 PM to only have a few hours with the baby until she goes to sleep is also sad. Is there a happy medium in there?

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