Thursday, January 24, 2013

38 weeks pregnant

Here we are, still holding out for the bitter cold part of February, when the baby will finally come out of me.
Soon I won't feel her every last movement. I won't feel her baby hiccups. I won't always know the second she wakes up and moves around.

But I'll get to hold her and see her baby face and breastfeed her and change her cloth diapers and rock her and bounce around the house listening to silly music.

Which one is better?

At any rate, while 38 weeks pregnant, the nursemidwife told me that I could still be pregnant for another 4 weeks. Which I knew. But it's not possible for me to go to 42 weeks, is it?
They said yes, yes it is.
Which I knew.
But seriously?

Everyone else in the February birth club has gone early. My cousin was due on Valentine's Day and she had her 5lb baby girl on Martin Luther King Day.  I was jealous, because I love MLK Jr & having a baby on that day is awesome. But 5 lbs and 1 month early isn't good!
Yet I am not jealous because of all of the March of Dimes stuff I keep forcing myself to read regarding the 39th & 40th week development list.  I keep reminding myself that babies with more development suck better, which is good for both of us.

And guess what, internet! I think I put something plastic in the oven. Ugh!

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