Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Feels like Sunday!

But it's really Tuesday and I go back to worky-land tomorrow. Which is ok, really, since there's a bit of activity tomorrow to break up the monotony, like going to my "35 weeks pregnant" visit.

Tomorrow's appointment re-sets the deductible and the  insurance that I have, with higher premiums.  It's still about $120 to sit in a room for 20 minutes while someone monitors my blood pressure, heart rate, listens to the baby's heart rate and measures my belly. Thus far, all measurements are normal, which is a blessing.

Right now I should be at a New Year's day party, but it seems so distant and impossible to make it there when you need a nap and had two crap-tastic pancakes at the local diner for breakfast. And when you stayed up until 130 AM....


Vladimir Putin prevented Russian adoptions, which is a huge blow to everyone who was in the middle of the process or for everyone who had it finalized but hadn't received their children yet.

I can't say that it's entirely bad that the Russian adoptions are stopped, though. Russia sucks at taking care of their own children and it's terrible to imagine all of these children completely neglected by the system.
Isn't it also terrible to see all of the kids in the US who need homes? Often at a fraction of the cost, with an agency that isn't really all about making money, but instead is truly hoping that the children will find a good set of parents?
And is it really fair to bring over hundreds of Russian children with special needs and send them through the American infrastructure for special needs children?

I don't want to sound Xenophobic, like "We should help American kids first!" --but I do think that Russia needs to develop their own system for taking care of their problems instead of exporting their neglected/disabled/ FAS children while adoption agencies profit on it.

I hope America stops doing this for other countries as well--(and continues the adoptions in the countries that run their programs properly, however few there may be)

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