Tuesday, January 8, 2013

OH yeah, the point was that I was in a typhoon

I was trying to get to the part in my last entry about the typhoon!
 First I'd decided that I'd sleep indoors during the day before work on (US Time) Monday and that on Tuesday, I would put a beach towel over my head and fall asleep on the pool deck outside for awhile, just to see how it felt.

Except Tuesday it was raining, a LOT. The treadmills were full because no one could go outside.
And then came the storm.

A real, true Typhoon: Nestat, as the Asians called it and Pedrig, as the rest of the world called it.
I took a taxi to work since it was raining so much and then it got worse. The rain came more and more, and my coworkers started telling me stories about the typhoon that came the year before. It was (essentially) the equivalent of Hurricane Katrina. People who were not affected by typhoons in the past had their house flooded. People walked for 24 hours to get home. There was no transportation. The trains were flooded, hotels lost generator power, people staying in their hotels ran out of fresh water and food.  They lost everything. It was true, I'd talked to a lot of people who were flooded and ruined in the year before.

So the stories scared me. Friends from work told me to stockpile bottles of water and food as soon as I could.

And then we walked home from work, back to the hotel, in the typhoon. For reals. The taxis were hard to come by and it wasn't a long walk by any stretch, so we walked. Even though all of us had umbrellas, we were still 100% drenched. It was literally like just walking in a shower. I know everyone has gotten soaked in the rain at some point in their lives but it's scarier with Hurricane force winds.

I didn't want anyone at home to worry about me, (though the travel alerts I received were pretty frightening, for someone who has never been in a hurricane). I guess it was a lot like a more powerful thunderstorm. On our walk home, the wind blew parts of scaffolding off of buildings right by us.
I treated my walking partners to breakfast, warm and hot, at the hotel, (which removed my perdiem for the day!) and they decided to find their own ways home. Then I tried to figure out what to do with myself for the day/night.

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