Monday, May 30, 2011

Behold, the only thing greater than yourself!

Remember that line from Roots? Hope so.

The only midwestern city that's better than Minneapolis is Chicago, so it was a natural long-weekend destination. We left right after work on Thursday and drove for awhile. Dan let me listen to my newest obsession, Game of Thrones, and I decided to download the physical book, too. Cliff-hanger! I'm already on to the second one. Anyway, we drove and drove and ended up in Rockford visiting Cheryl and her new boyfriend, Dave. They're cute together and have a nice house. We chatted until midnight or later and then crashed, grabbed breakfast, and drove to Chicago. We made it in pretty good time until we hit 94/90. I think I spent about 2 hours going less than 20 mph. Chicago, we hate your traffic!!

My cousin Sarah lives in Chicago now, with her new hubby, and they rent a Mac properties apartment in Hyde Park Chicago. Of course, this was perfect for us, with our love of MAC's help on Armour Boulevard in Hyde Park, KC.  They helped us buy bus passes and we took off on the number 6 to downtown. Navy Pier was cold and foggy, but we decided to ride on the architectural boat ride tour anyway. We had a pretty good tour and it was awesome to learn a few facts about the Chicago rebuilding and the skyscraper construction, with lots of quirky facts about each building's construction  Sadly, I have no photos of this because our camera died on the drive to Chicago.

We were all freezing by then, and sushi seemed like the only way to warm us up, so we went for sushi and dinner and back to Cheryl and Dave's hotel for a drink. After that, we went back to the apartment, talked for awhile and then crashed.

Day 2 Sarah had to work, but we went to the Frank Lloyd Wright walking tour in Oak Park. These were the giant houses I'd been waiting for.  I fell in love with the first suburb, even though I hate suburbs and all....

After the lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely walking tour, we went to Indian food. They do know how to make it spicy in Chicago, thank god. Then we went to the show "Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind." Check out their website here:
I also love that we can see a show and the ticket price is based on the roll of a dice. We met up with Justin and his new GF (everyone seems to have a new boyfriend, girlfriend or husband in this episode of our lives)  and they saved a spot for us.

At this show, you get a special name based on what you look like or how you act when they ask you your name. I saw a JFK, JR on a preppy kid and some punk ass names on some punky looking kids. Dan was Rodeo and I told them my name was Reindeer. They gave me a nametag that says Pee Pee Pants.

The show was inspiring, poignant, beautiful, sad and hilariously funny. They try to do 30 plays in 60 minutes. We got to 28.5 plays in 60 minutes and then got one small piece of pizza after the show.

Went back to the apartment, crashed, and then woke up for brunch with sarah and brian and brian's brother and stuff.Since the brother and fiance needed a place to stay on Sunday night, we decided to just leave and drive back rather than force one of us to get a hotel. So on to MN we went, where I napped and drove and realized that I really want a house that Frank Lloyd Wright designed so that I won't be in this infernal apartment any longer! :)

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