Thursday, May 19, 2011

My cousin, Vinny

I've a friend who is a freakin' good attorney.  I thought I'd be the kind of person that dislikes attorneys and all things big legal, but as time passes, I just appreciate them more. Practicing law is like art, it's beautiful and when it's done well, it damn well kicks ass.  My friend is amazing at getting an audience to side with her, to get people to be sympathetic to a cause while agreeing to move against it, she's wonderful at consensus building and majority rule and I'm damn lucky that she considers us her friends in the first place, for there's certainly nothing that I've done for her that equals the good she's done for me. I called her for a particular potential legal situation that has nothing to do with my family and she instantly found some great recommendations for lawyers that specialize in that type of law. Relief. I love professionals.

I went into a small bookstore today after work, rummaged through a jewelry store that had a large husky standing sentry, and bought a book with several short stories from the UIowa Writers Workshop,  and they were playing Christmas Music and random historical recordings. At one moment,  Teddy's eulogy for Robert Kennedy, JR popped on. I nearly cried for a moment, listening to it, the Kennedy family representing Citizenship. I asked myself if I was representing the suffering or the sufferer, and the answer was that perhaps when acting in my own self interest, I can be a bit biased. Am I not suffering, isn't everyone suffering in some capacity or another?

"Some people see things that are and say why? I dream things that never were, and say why not?"--Ted Kennedy
I wish I could say that I was that optimistic or idealistic, but I can't. Nor can I say otherwise.

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