Saturday, January 14, 2012

Washing Machine: Destructed

I guess you can't really call it a washing was mostly an old wash tub in our basement. At some point, people built a very weird brick structure around it and put some funky doors in to hide the primary waste line and old laundry chute.  We took one look at it and knew it had to go, though our relator and our inspector did not seem to believe it was possible.

When we started, both of us thought we could remove it in a weekend. After all, we'd taken care of business before and figured this would be no exception. After banging and bashing and sledging and groaning and 30000 screws later, we both realized it was going to take a lot longer.

We started about a month ago and now we're done, though! The concrete tub is gone, the floor is bare down to concrete and two studs that will hold the drywall around the primary wasteline later.

Our great finds: Lincoln Logs, green army men, legos, marbles, a poker chip, playing cards....and that's all. I think a little kid threw a bunch of toys down the laundry chute at some point. :)

Back when we were ambitious, we wanted to put a bar in that spot and since the water line is still nearby, we thought we'd make it a wet bar. But now we realize it's not free to put a bar in and we'll just replace it with carpet and have a more open basement.  The kegerator will remain on the other side of our basement wall.


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