Friday, November 16, 2012

A week in review

My weeks are more and more routine. It's seemed like it hasn't been routine for months--really, ever since I got pregnant.

Monday: Prenatal class. We toured the birth center again and then talked about Cesarean delivery. I confess that I've ignored it over and over again because I refuse to believe that it will happen to me. But that does set oneself up for complete devastation and unpreparedness if it does happen. And so I shall watch the video and try to imagine it happening to me in the worst possible scenario.

Tuesday: Visit at the nursing home with old people. I had a hilarious moment or two with the person I visited with and then went home.

Wednesday: Visitation for Jack, my uncle.  He was unrecognizable, sincerely, since he weighed 103 lbs when he died. He decided to get up and walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night and fell and cracked his femur, which is what ended his life, ultimately. There was an 8-day old baby there, the grandson of Jack. His poor father (my cousin) had his first baby born on one day and his father die on the next.  I gawked and drooled over the baby girl--so tiny--and it was so hard to wait until our baby is born.

My aunt was in town for the funeral, so we went out for pizza and then I showed her all of the baby stuff we have and are planning and she was thinking of all of the baby things we'll need. It was endearing--and now the baby has a few more pretty dresses because of my aunt.

Thursday: My mom came up for the funeral and we sat through church service. Right before the service, we saw an albino squirrel, which I guess is quite common up here but I'd never seen one. At the end of mass, the unexpected happened: A lone bagpipe player came to lead the recessional and played Amazing Grace.
We joked that they should give everyone fair waring before we attend a funeral like that--it was a tear jerker. There were no dry eyes in the congregation.  My mom came over after the service and saw our house for the first time and the baby's room and all of her clothes, waiting for her arrival.

And today.... today I rest, because I am lame and lazy and wake up at 4 AM every day.

12 more weeks until the baby comes and I can barely wait. This week, I haven't been in too much pain or discomfort, but a little. I think I might give up spin class soon--and I also really hope I lose the weight quickly, because I just realized how much weight Ive gained in the last 2 years in MN (looking at photos of the past me is really depressing now). It always happens that you hate how fat you look at the present and then when you look at it in the past, you notice how "skinny" you were before. ;P

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