Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday night!

Stupid things about Sunday night that no one except me really cares about:

1) I can't breathe right now and it sucks. It's not asthma, but it feels like it.  I blame the baby
2) I think we are getting a lovesac for Black Friday deals. Lifetime warranty, piece of furniture that kids love, lack of couch all make this a good thing in my book. Dan feels like our house would look like a colleg kid's apartment. He's not wrong. But a portable piece of durable furniture is ok with me.
3) Just got done watching Lincoln. Good flick, very political for the times. Not much has changed since the civil war, right?
4) Dan's birthday party went until 2 AM at the bar. I left at 11 for bowling and let everyone else keep going out for drinks at the next bar. While I can't manage to stay up that late, I'm glad Dan can still have fun with our friends. Steve left this morning for Iowa and one of our friends came up from KC for Dan's birthday, as a surprise. It was awesome. I miss everyone dearly.

5) I made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast

Good list of stupid things. Carry on with your merry lives, my friends!

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