Sunday, October 4, 2009

1 day left!

I'm leaving on a jet plane.....and I'll be back in 12 days.

This will be the longest I've been gone since Greece, the longest I've ever been away from KC since we moved here, the longest I've been away from Nitro, and of course, Dan. We tried to spend a lot of time together before the flight takes off, since I won't have a chance to be back over the weekends or anything. Difficult though it may be, we'll survive.

I have 2 suitcases full of clothes, since I'll need one work outfit, one casual outfit and clothes to work out in. I have a laptop carry on, a stack of work to do (small) and a purse. Nearly all of my coworkers will be in Minneapolis together, and we're all staying with roommates. I think it's going to be a bit like college, for better and worse. :)

I'll try to leave the work stuff out of the blog, but that might be impossible, since it's the primary reason for this trip. I'm going to try to post photos and interesting bits about Minneapolis, since I haven't been there since highschool.

Time: 10:0o PM
Temp: 54 degrees

However, I'm resolving to do something touristy in Minneapolis for each day that I'm there.

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