We said our very final goodbyes at work today, after cleaning every single cube, flat surface, and filling at least 7 shred bins of old files and unneeded papers. We headed to the airport immediately to avoid any possible traffic.
6 of us, who shall remain anonymous, will continue on in Minneapolis. Our flight left around 7, we arrived around 9 and somehow managed to not find our ground transportation guy because he was watching football and we were running around in an insane attempt to find the person that would drive us, while not leaving our arthritic coworker behind. Luckily, she was not eaten by wild bears that often live in Minneapolis.
Tomorrow, we'll get our nice room-service breakfast. I've ordered oatmeal, hot tea, and tomato juice. It's going to be so amazing to have breakfast delivered to the door and not have to wash any dishes. I'm still having trouble realizing that the cost is covered, and am thus ordering conservatively. After breakfast, we'll walk over to our office and experience the joy of the new company.
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