Saturday, October 24, 2009


Tuesday was pretty fun. I had to work extra late, so I was 20 minutes late meeting Georgia, Dan's aunt. She was gracious enough to wait for me at the hotel. When I got in, we zoomed off to Mall of America and grabbed some Italian food on the first floor. I guzzled some chianti and felt better about the cold day, which was also a bit stressful at work.

We toured most of legoland and the amusement park. Somehow, I thought I was going to ride the rollercoaster there. I was pretty convinced. DEFINITELY RIDING THE ROLLERCOASTER.
Then reality set in. Rollercoaster rides cost 6 points, 6 points cost $19.86
For one ride. Not so much.

So we tried on some funny hats, ate chocolates from Godiva, and went shopping at the kitchen store. YUM. I bought Dan some spices and some chai and a cute little apron for myself. It was cheaper than most of the aprons that I'm obsessed with at Prydes and BonBon. We also tried on some funny hats, and it's a travesty that those photos are lost!

I had a lot of fun with Georgia, and again, got to talk about Don, which was very therapeutic. I wasn't expecting this trip to be so good for the soul, but it was. :) Today, 2 weeks after returning from MN, we had two big boxes of chocolates waiting for us from Georgia. Delicious, delicious, delicious. They came at just the right time, because we were a bit frustrated with the bathroom remodel that we have going on and chocolates were refreshing. There is hope!

Wednesday, Crystal and I walked over to Macy's after the free dinner in the hotel. (Shrimp, delicious, by the way) I bought some 5 year anniversary stuff for Dan, and then went out for Ethiopian.

Thursday, we went for pizza with Trent, which was really fun, and Friday, we went home. I got to ride on the skycab in the airport. Almost as fun as the rollercoaster.

Saturday, after getting little sleep, we were up for our 6 hour shift at the KC marathon. It was cold, wet, and some drivers were grumpy. Stationed at mile 18 was nice, people had a good downhill, but a lot of them were really tired. Of course.

After the marathon, we drove back to Iowa for Ryan's Des Moines marathon. He finished in 4 hours, 22 minutes. As he sprinted down the last 100 meters, I had tears in my eyes. My mom drove to several different spots to watch him, but we stayed at the finish line to watch Jana and Shannon finish the half.
I really missed out this year with this race, but I was just too busy in 2009 to commit to a race. I'm hopeful that 2010 slows down a bit. The entire family deserves a big break.

Being back in KC is bittersweet. On one hand, I am back with Dan and Nitro. :)
On the other, Dan is sick, the house is a mess, and I have a pile of work waiting for me, still, and I'm lonely. I miss having 12 days of coworkers near me to talk, and old friends to visit. I'll get used to it here again, and I hope that when this giant bathroom remodel is done, we can throw a big party and relax.

Key words: relax.

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