Thursday, June 16, 2011

Here we go!

We are about to embark on the scariest trip of the year.
The marathon trip.
2011 Grandma's Marathon
26.2 miles
7:30 AM
53 degrees
50% chance of rain

Run to all the aid stations
walk through them to get the water
Drink the powerade at every other station
Goo at  mile 7, 15, and 20
Stay in the running stance and atmosphere as much as possible
Stay in the mental game
Do not fear
Do not be afraid
Suck it up
I can do this
I will do this

These are my running mantras for tomorrow

I hated every minute of my training, but I knew I had to do it to live the rest of my life as a champion. --Ali
-For the kingdom, for the power and the glory
-One step closer to the end

-Obama 12

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