Sunday, June 26, 2011


I'm absolutely obsessing about the house right now.  Where will I hang the paintings? Where will we put the furniture? Which bedroom should be the spare bedroom? which bedroom should be the office? Where should I store the Christmas decorations we're bringing back from KC in September? Which tools should stay in KC and which tools should come up to Minnesota? Will the tenants renew their lease with us? Will the underwriters care a lot about the duration of the second lease? Should I bring the planters back to Minneapolis now or wait until spring? When should we start buying all of the wonderful kitchen gadgets we've been dreaming of? Will we have enough money to buy all of the furniture that we'll need for this place?

Ok, those are the most pressing questions. I guess I'll wait for the appraisal to come back, just in case the house ends up being worth less than the offer price. Back in the day, things like that never happened.

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