Sunday, February 5, 2012

Neutral Milk Hotel

We went to see this band last night. I'd post a photo for you, but it was forbidden to photograph at that time. Bummer, right?

As a preview, check out this youtube video of one of the songs:

The concert was folk music style, and for once we seemed to fit the demographic of the show. Sometimes we're too old, too preppy, too young, to really blend in with the crowd, but it wasn't the case this time.

We were all invited to sing for a majority of the show--and at the end, when everyone rises up to sing, it was a pretty moving experience. The King of Carrot Flowers had everyone sing "I love you, Jesus Christ" for the last refrain, which lent me to goosebumps.

After the show, we headed across the street to "Mackenzie". Our friends from ISU have been going there forever and told us we'd love it, so we hit it up.  Sarah and Dan were waiting there with a table for us and we had some drinks, cabbed back to our house for pizza and then drove back downtown for their car after we were sober.
The great news is that cab rides from downtown are only $10.00 to our place. Victory.

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