Friday, July 22, 2011


MANILA, Philippines.

I might go there for an entire month + a few extra days. Ok, really, it's about 6 weeks. My company is (might be/should be/is/most likely) sending me to the Phillipines. I'll be training new people and working in the middle of the night, Manila time.  It's hard to not burst out of my skin in excitement, but I am trying to remain calm. I am trying to remember that other people have been told they are going and then had their trip canceled (one person). I'm trying to remember that my boss said they can't afford to lose me in the State-side while I'm gone, but I am the best person for the job. Indeed, there are better candidates, but they aren't available to go in September, so it defaulted to me. Guess I just got really, really lucky that one guy has fall semester starting and one lady said that she can't leave her child again.

We renewed our passports last November, and I thought it was because we were going to go to Canada, but now it's Manila. Since I'll be gone for more than a month, my company will pay to send my spouse over with me. Did I mention that there are resorts in Philippines? Perfect island beaches?
My partner in crime, Melody, is going to be going on this trip with me and she called me tonight so we could spazz out about this trip together. She's filipino, so this trip will be like going home, and our conversation tonight went like this;
Me: !!!! EEEEE!!!!
Melody: EEEE!!!!EEEE
blah blah blah
Melody: Start saving your money now, because every weekend we are going to a different resort!

Uhh, yeah, saving my money. Starting now.

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