Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This is how I am repaid!

Time to settle our claim with our insurance company and buy the last few unreplaced DVDs and the last unpurchased item: The Video Camera. 

The Minnesota government shutdown continues. Today I heard that it might just stay shut down forever and ever and ever. Libertarians will celebrate universally.  Hannah Arendt would be so proud.

Today I decided that canceling Netflix is a good idea, since it sucks to watch their stuff and you can just get it on redbox anyway.  Today I also decided that it might be a good idea to grow up and stop moping at work. But I didn't decide this until 3:15 PM and I leave at 3:30 PM. I really need to snap out of my grumpiness about not getting promoted. I will try harder tomorrow.  I will conquer. I also decided that after 3 years, it was time to go to the doctor. I went in 08 to be sure that my poison ivy wasn't something worse and that was the last time I went. The last actual exam I had was probably sometime in 2006 or 2007, maybe after the semi-car accident thing happened.  After scanning through a long, long list of doctors that I didn't know, I decided to go back to Ankeny for my appointment. I've been going there (sort of) since 1998, so at least I don't have to repeat any medical questionaires. It's a little silly to drive 3 hours for a doctor's appointment, but I can see my family and stuff.

Game of Thrones book 5 came out today, in all it's glory. There are no Sansa Stark chapters in book 5,  as there were no Tyrion chapters in book 4. I'm skipping a big section of Book 4, with the hopes of going back to read more later.

This weekend my friend is coming from DC and I can't wait to do tons of fun stuff with her.  Did I mention that summer up here is a perfect zone of amazing weather and brillant skies and it stays light out until 10 PM? It's wonderful, it's true.

My great uncle Jack is not in very good shape. He lives up here in MN and my grandpa and aunt are driving up so that they can see us and say hello/goodbye to him before the time comes.  It doesn't seem real at all.

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